ONE OK ROCK is attempting to conquer the United States one fan at a time. In their native Japan, the band members Takahiro “Taka” Moriuchi (vocals), Toru Yamashita (guitar), Ryota Kohama (bass) and Tomoya Kanki (drums) are accustomed to playing the country’s largest stadiums and festivals. The bands most recent US tour consisted of a twenty six dates which crisscrossed the nation entertaining fans in theatres and clubs.
ONE OK ROCK formed in Japan in 2005. Throughout their career their musical style has remained fluid. The band has been labeled alternative, emo, post hardcore, and pop-rock. Bands such as Linkin Park, Foo Fighters, and Good Charlotte are obvious influences upon the band. The band released their first English album is 2015 and are currently touring to support Eye Of The Storm which was released in February.
ONE OK ROCK concluded their US tour in Hawaii with two sold out shows at The Republik. The audience was overwhelmingly made of Japanese tourists or Japanese nationals who were now living in Hawaii. I thought the audience would have been made up of mainly young girls but to my surprise there was an even mix of men and women.
Exactly on time the band entered the stage and launched into “Push Back.” From the beginning the crowd sang in unison with the band. It is obvious they are seasoned touring veterans. The band performed with a casual ease and looked comfortable on stage. Lead singer Taka was the perfect front man. His antics always made him the center of attention and he was constantly engaged with the crowd. The band’s set list was mainly composed of tracks off their most recent release and Ambitions. Highlights included “Clock Strikes,” “Stand Out Fit In,” and “The Beginning.” By the time “Wasted Nights” concluded is was clear. ONE OK ROCK are capable of expanding their audience outside of Japan.
On a production note, two of the most impressive factors of the night were the sound and lighting. The overall mix was close to perfect! It was LOUD but there was NO distortion and no musician overpowered the other. Credit must be given to lighting designer Jesse Henke. The lighting scheme was inventive, dynamic, and added to the performance.
Push Back / We Are / Clock Strikes / Head High / Take What You Want / Stand/ Out Fit In / Grow Old Die Young / I Was King / The Beginning / Jaded / E. Wasted Nights