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Didirri Performs Secret Show in Washington DC

Dawn Phillips

It’s Sunday night in DC, it’s a brisk night, and the roads are calm and peaceful. You’ve got a gig to cover, a gig with a secret location. Why is the location secret? Why all the secrecy? Oh gosh, am I going underground? Is this even legal? Well it turns out its all legal, no funny business -- the host is SOFAR Sounds. Sofar transforms everyday spaces-like a living room, retail shop, work place you name it and Sofar will turn it into a captivating venue for a secret live show, creating a deeply engaging experience that brings guests and artists closer together! Each Sofar is small and typically features three diverse acts.

How do you get in you ask? Sofar shows (mostly) are a lottery. You can apply for tickets up until FIVE days before the events, unless tickets sell out, you find out if you’re invited via email. If selected you confirm your place and lock in your spot for you and a +1 for free. You’ll get an email before the show with the address, bring some drinks, and find a seat. You won’t find out who’s playing until you get there, come with an open mind and may even discover a new favorite artist.

My secret location was on M Street NW; my GPS took me to a townhouse. I was greeted at the door, she knew immediately I had no clue what was going on. Everyone was seated in the living room, almost into the kitchen, this particular event maxed at 45 persons. It was the best experience I had, you were close to the artists it was extremely intimate, not the usual hustle and bustle of a normal concert venue. Ever been to a concert and wished you could get some one on one time with the artists? Sofar provides that experience, after the event each artist was in the kitchen ready to chat with merch on hand. If you’ve never had a Sofar experience, I encourage you to find one and go for it.

Didirri (DID-EAR-EE) just in case you needed help pronouncing his name, an Australian musician from Warrnambool, Victoria, though he currently resides in Melbourne. Live shows can make or break a musician, no do overs, no recording booth and there isn’t anywhere to hide. Didirri stood alone with his guitar, no band, no mic, to bear his soul. His voice is amazing, he’s able to control his pitches and tones flawlessly. I was amazed that he didn’t need a mic to carry his voice; he’s a strong confident singer.

Didirri’s stage presence is mesmerizing, he’s charismatic with thoughtful writings; wise beyond his years. He’s an artist with something to say, a stor teller singing about life and all it's crazy experiences.

Didirri gave each and every person attending this show an intimate view into his life, he spoke of his brother, a friend, and an ex-girlfriend. Encouraging us all to live life to his fullest, reach out call that friend you haven’t spoken too in some time; love your family and most of all love YOU….

Elena Lacayo is a bilingual Latin folk singer-songwriter and the lead for Elena & Los Fulanos. Lacayo is of Nicaraguan descent, born in New Orleans; she now resides in DC. Lacayo identifies with both American and Nicaraguan music which ranges from twangy, heartbreak-themed folk Americana. Lacayo writes songs in English as well as Spanish, writing music Lacayo didn’t want to give up her identity so she decided to do both. Although I know zero Spanish, her songs are catchy, and moving and you won’t be able to get it out of your head.

Free Union, based out of Charlottesville, VA combining soul and R&B, rock with catchy pop emotion as well as a funkish groove. Free Union focusing on songs about justice, love and freedom as well as a unique sound.


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