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Trans-Siberian Orchestra at The BB&T Center

Megan Garzone

The holidays bring with them many joyful traditions, presents, good food, family, and of course..the annual performance of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. For those of you living under a rock, TSO is “that band” you hear every day either on commercials, on the radio, or in the malls starting pretty much the day after thanksgiving until mid January, and for good reason. Their hard rock guitars interlaced with holiday moods makes them the quintessential soundtrack of the winter solstice. But the group is much more than catchy earworms, they are a complete spectacle which is obviously apparent when experiencing them live in concert.

Lasers, Lights, pyrotechnics, elaborate stage antics and stunts, all wrapped up in a Christmas box and topped with a bow. That would be the only way to describe the impressive show they put on each year, and even if you are not “into” Christmas, you can’t help but appreciate the level of dedication put into each and every night. A show that starts heavy, and keeps chugging through like the Polar Express as they cover the story of Christmas and beyond, and with a show running about 3 hours in length, you will feel you got your monies worth.

But how did they sound? Flawless. These are the masters of their craft, gathering musicians from all over the globe to round out a ensemble that sounds as good live as they do on CD. No hit was left unplayed, no faces left without a smile, no one leaving without feeling excessive levels of festive. A show I cannot recommend highly enough to everyone, regardless of their holiday lineage.

Note: TSO donates $1 of every ticket sold for the show to a local charity. South Florida topped over a $10,000 donation to the Joe DeMaggio Children's Hospital Fund.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our Photopassed family to yours!

photos by Megan Garzone, review by Dan Karanikis

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