Sometimes the stars align and bring a tour package together that just seems right. Such was the case when a swiftly planned outing was arranged and brought the lineup of headliner Lacey Sturm with support by Palisades, Stitched Up Heart, and Letters From The Fire. Fresh off the popular Shiprocked cruise, all the bands performing were properly warmed up and it showed by the high energy on stage. Despite the club having minimal stage space, the openers were bouncing around and kicking up the crowd's energy. I had previously seen Letters From The Fire just before they boarded Shiprocked and were a blast to see again. Hollywood's Stitched Up Heart was up next; vocalist, Mixi, was a highlight of the night with her killer voice and interaction with the fans. Hopefully I will get a chance to see all of the opening acts on their own headlining runs in the near future to fully experience what each band has to offer.
After a fantastic lead up, the stage was graced by a 5 foot tall commander of the room, Lacey Sturm. Despite her small stature, she made her presence known. Playing towards the crowd and singing loudly with unmatched passion, it was pretty obvious this is where she belongs. Her spirituality being in the forefront of the show, there were moments that you could tell that every note she sang came from the heart with no apologies...everyone in the room heard her stories told through song. The set was a well rounded mix of original solo tracks, covers, and songs from her former band, Flyleaf. I implore everyone to check her show out when you get a chance, if for no other reason than to see this tiny tornado command her place among the world of rock.
1. Impossible 2. The Soldier 3. I'm Not Laughing 4. Chasm (Flyleaf song) 5. Vanity (partial, leading into Rot) 6. Rot 7. You're Not Alone 8. Cassie (Flyleaf song) 9. Heavy Prey 10. Feels Like Forever 11. Back to the Garden (Crowder cover) 12. Roxanne (The Police cover) 13. All Around Me (Flyleaf song) 14. I'm So Sick / Fully Alive / Call You Out (Flyleaf song)