Dan Karanikis
Jan 31, 2017
Review: Lacey Sturm at O'Malleys 1/20/17
Sometimes the stars align and bring a tour package together that just seems right. Such was the case when a swiftly planned outing was...

Megan Garzone
Jan 30, 2017
Review: Nonpoint at Revolution Live 1/20/17
Just before heading out on The Last Hero Tour with Alterbridge, hometown heroes Nonpoint returned to South Florida for a kick off sold...

Dan Karanikis
Jan 25, 2017
Review: Sevendust at The Culture Room 1/15/17
Its somewhat of a tradition down here in balmy South Florida that before and after the popular “Shiprocked” cruise that some of the bands...

Megan Garzone
Jan 25, 2017
Album Review: Deaf Havana - All These Countless Nights
It’s been four years since Deaf Havana released Old Souls, and fans eagerly awaited the UK based group’s upcoming release, All These...