Taylor Zartman
Jul 13, 2018
Devastation on the Nation at Baltimore Sound Stage
Devastation on the Nation has been touring the US throughout the summer, bribing some of the heaviest music out there to the forefront....

Megan Garzone
Jul 13, 2018
Gen-X Summer Tour in South Florida
What's better than sitting at home on July 3rd listening to Black Cat Fireworks setting off all the car alarms in the vacinity? Well for...

Megan Garzone
Jul 10, 2018
The Monolith Tour: Thirty Seconds to Mars in West Palm
At this point no one questions who Jared Leto is, even if it is hard to remember that the frontman of Thirty Seconds to Mars is the same...

Virginia Rose
Jul 10, 2018
SummerStage Series: San Fermin at Coffey Park
One of the best things about New York is it’s abundance of music. Living here my entire life, I’ve always felt privileged to be...

Jordan Nathanson
Jul 9, 2018
Jesse McCartney on the Better With You Tour in Orlando
Singer-songwriter and actor Jesse McCartney has returned to music, sending mid-2000's teens in a frenzy with his latest single release...

Alex Liscio
Jul 9, 2018
Andrew McMahon's Pen & Piano Tour in Fort Lauderdale
There are certain artists that I will never miss when they come to a city near me. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen them, who...

Kaylee Smoke
Jul 6, 2018
, 19-year-old UK artist Dominic Harrison, is riding the wave of the release of his self-titled debut EP, released on January 19th via...

Barry Parker
Jul 5, 2018
Anthrax and Testament at House of Blues New Orleans
Despite already being on the road with Slayer on The Farewell Tour, Anthrax and Testament are bringing their thrash metal to even more...

Megan Garzone
Jul 3, 2018
Hall and Oates & Train at The BB&T Center
There is almost a disconnect between the generation of Train fans – the people that remember them for their epic early 2000's radio hits...