Dawn Phillips
Dec 11, 2018
Sessions: Covet in Baltimore
Rock & Roll Hotel is a music venue and nightclub that was established in 2006 in the H St Corridor of Washington DC. They host original...

Garrett Stroup
Mar 26, 2018
Red Sun Rising to release Thread on March 30th
Red Sun Rising, one of today’s modern rock bands that just does the right amount of everything. Many a time I have caught myself...

Taylor Zartman
Feb 16, 2018
Harakiri For The Sky releases Arson today
February 16th, 2018 marks the official release date of Harakiri For The Sky’s 4th full-length album release - Arson. Hailing from...

Dawn Phillips
Jan 17, 2018
Spotlight: Maryland Local Bands
If you didn’t make it to 5 South Event Center in Callaway, Maryland on Saturday night, then you missed a fantastic show! It’s been well...

Jordan Nathanson
Aug 27, 2017
Album Review: Neck Deep - The Peace and The Panic
We all have that one band where no matter how we feel, their songs will always get us up and dancing or singing on the top of our lungs....

Megan Garzone
May 8, 2017
Album Review: Lilac Lungs - Eventide
Eventide, the debut album from Detroit based indie rockers, Lilac Lungs, it set to debut May 12th and it is not a release you want to...

Megan Garzone
Jan 25, 2017
Album Review: Deaf Havana - All These Countless Nights
It’s been four years since Deaf Havana released Old Souls, and fans eagerly awaited the UK based group’s upcoming release, All These...